MSIA Sustainability Initiative

Michigan Snowsports Industries Association Sustainability Mission Statement:

Climate change is the number one threat to the snowsports industry in Michigan.  MSIA and its members are taking the following action:

  • Advocate for sustainable practices;
  • Empower our members to take action;
  • Educate our members and their guests about climate change and its effects on skiing and snowboarding.

What we are doing:

MSIA is following legislation that effects our environment.  This link provides a list of the current bills we are following, along with action we are taking on your behalf.

Empower our members to take action with the MSIA Sustainability Certification Program.  If you need a little more inspiration, here is a Suggested Trail Map to Clean Energy.

Educate members and guests about the effects of climate change by providing facts and resources for additional information.  Here is a page full of links to information to assist with sustainability initiatives.


Furthermore, MSIA’s Clarkston headquarters is doing its share to help power a sustainable future.  We are part of the DTE MIGreenPower, by purchasing wind and solar credits at an 85% level.  With that commitment, DTE kicks in the additional 15%, to give us a 100% wind/solar electricity-based footprint. More information is available at and at